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Legals & Privacy

Legal Disclaimer & Privacy Information

Information on this website is not intended to constitute professional advice. All information is believed to be correct at the date of publication, but may become obsolete or inaccurate over time.

All estimates of cost are approximate and will vary with fluctuations in exchange rates, changes on foreign attorney fees, changes in official fees and changes in our service charge. VAT is payable on our fees. For an up to date estimate of costs for any matter please contact us.

If you are seeking professional advice please contact us and we will be happy to provide a free consultation. However, please note that in the course of any free consultation although we can discuss intellectual property matters in general we cannot provide specific legal advice owing to regulatory and insurance reasons.


At London IP Ltd we are committed to taking data protection seriously. The information provided to us will not be sold to any third party. It will not be disclosed to any third party for any purpose unless agreed by you, for example patent, trademark and design offices, overseas attorneys, investigators and draftsmen.

We will only collect personal information from those who choose to communicate with or purchase services from us.

Our Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our policy.

As a firm of patent and trademark attorneys we collect data to process patent, trademark and design applications and to provide legal advice in the field of intellectual property.

London IP Ltd collects, processes, and uses information provided by you relating to use of London IP Ltd’s services. The information we hold is dependent on the relationship you have with London IP Ltd, but typically includes:

Contact details: where appropriate London IP Ltd records your title, full names, office & home addresses, telephone & fax numbers, email & website addresses;

Other personal data: where appropriate London IP Ltd records your date of birth, gender and nationality.

  1. We will collect data directly from you in answer to legal enquiries and as part of the provision of legal services.

Dependent on the relationship you have with London IP Ltd, London IP Ltd uses and processes your data for the following purposes:

We have a legal obligation to provide your data to patent, trademark and design authorities in order to process applications upon your behalf. We also have a legal obligation to process data for legal compliance purposes, for example to ensure that no conflict of interest arises. We have a legitimate interest in using your data to maintain a relationship with you and keep you apprised of any important updates in law.

Data relating to an individual who is or has been a client of London IP Ltd or who has been provided with any form of legal advice by London IP Ltd may be kept and processed indefinitely for historical purposes. Such data may be stored indefinitely on secure servers, compact data disc or a similar storage media.

Data on employees or past employees will be kept and processed for a minimum of six years.

London IP Ltd does not sell, provide or supply personal data to third parties for commercial


purposes or for financial gain. London IP Ltd will only make personal data available to third parties:

1. Where you have given your express consent;

2. Where it is necessary to fulfil our obligations to you;

3. Where it is necessary to comply with an order from a regulatory or statutory body which is empowered to require us to release your data.


You have the right to find out what data we hold about you or requests for disclosure.

These can be sent to:

The Data Controller
London IP Ltd
Lymington Business Centre
Solent House, Cannon Street
SO41 9BR

or alternatively email: info@londonip.com

You can exercise your right to request to have your personal data erased by contacting the Data Controller. London IP Ltd will respond to any such request within one calendar month of receipt.